Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Solitude for now?

I believe many of you out there are trying to find "the one",yep i mean boyfriends and girlfriends.
It sure is wonderful to have that pretty girl or handsome boy as your boyfriend/girlfriend.
But,is that really what you want??Or is it just pure infatuation.
So rather then going all out trying to find "the one",why not just sit back and relax why you still can?
Having a boy/girl friend means that a huge amount of time will have to be committed to each other,again is that what you really want to do??
I think this is the reason why there are so many break ups.
Is that the person whom you think you can live with the rest of your life??Think again.
Your teenage life only makes up about 1/8 of your lifetime,so why not just enjoy your company in solitude??Rather then getting attached too soon,and starting the "60 years phase",basically relating to the marriage life.
And trust me when you are attached,you will want your freedom back,unless you're totally head over heels over your partner,otherwise think thrice before entering a relationship,sometimes it is just not worth it.

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