Monday, June 7, 2010

Time Line

You grip a thread in between your fingers, any of them.
You think that you will be able to hold on to it forever..
You tie a rock to one end of the thread.
It becomes harder,but yet you still hold on to it.

But unknowingly,the piece of thread starts sliding through your fingers,
it gets shorter by the the second....
It comes to the stage where the thread has slipped to almost one end,
you try your best to hold on to it,but eventually the weight from the rock overcomes your strength, and the rock falls to the ground, unshattered.
You pick up the rock,and grip the thread between your fingers all over again.
You repeat the process of letting the thread slide from your fingers.
Again, and again,and again.

The thread represents TIME....
The rock represents your Never Ending Problems...

You repeat this cycle through your whole life...
One day, you finally dropped the rock and shattered it.
You feel happy,yet you also realise you no longer have the energy to even hold on to an unburdened piece of thread.

You have lost the ability to hold on to the time you have available on this Earth.

That is the day when everything ends......

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